From time immemorial, the special bond between human and animal transcends all barriers...whether it's with a disabled Augur Buzzard you've spent the last 15 years with...
Or a wild Great horned owl that you've known for only three months... There is an inherent trust that must be formed that will allow me to do what is necessary to get the bird back on the road to recovery.
The orphaned babes come to me through no fault of their own and it's up to me to raise them right so they become productive members of the gene pool. Go forth! Make babies!
And the transition from getting the babes down from the chamber to the pond where they will learn to live is both scary and exciting. They go from hanging in the trees...
To hanging on the hack board!
And every now and then at night when I'm sitting in the swing at the pond, one will come visit. I have no idea which one it is or how long ago it was when he came to me in need of help, I'm just glad to know that I was able to give that bird another chance at life.
And I appreciate you, the reader, for accompanying me on my lifes journey. It's been a bit of a dichotomy for me, though. As a child, I basically raised myself and was always too prideful and independant to ask for help, so perhaps this way of life was chosen for me to teach me that it's not only OK to ask for help, it's a downright necessity. I spent years thinking so, but I am not an island.
My Great-nephew was saving his allowance for a skateboard but sent it to help the birds, instead. I cried like a fat dog when I opened the envelope in the Post Office. The clerk was compelled to ask it I was OK and when I showed this card to her, her eyes welled up, too.
When his momma told the owner of the skate board shop of Tobby's generosity, the shop owner then paid it forward to Tobby. It's amazing how stuff like that works. My existance hinges on people 'paying it forward' and while I don't have a lot, I have just enough to live the life that I love.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog....m.
Photo credit of me and the Augur Buzzard - Brian Morris
Photo criedit of me and "Francis" to the wonderful Tison Brothers